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Generate Statistics

Use gol query with option -f=stats to generate statistics about tag usage and relation roles. Each row in the report is a permutation of the tag values (whose keys are specified by --tags) found among the features that the query selects. The final column contains the number of features, total length or total area, based on -f:tally. For -f:tally=roles, only relations are analyzed, and the roles of their members are included in each permutation.

Formatting options:

-f:min-tallyDon’t include rows with tally less than this number/precentage
-f:sortSort rows alphabetically by keys/values (instead of tally)
-f:split-valuesTreat value with semicolons as list of individual values (e.g. japanese;sushi;seafood would be treated as 3 distinct values)
-f:tallyStatistics to generate: keys (default), tags, roles, count, length or area
-f:unitLength/area unit (default: m)


Common Tags and Values

Find the most frequently-used tags (and values) for power lines in France (default -f:tally=keys):

gol query france -f=stats w[power=line] 

29,098 features                      /key  /count
power                      29,098          100.0%
  = line                   29,098  100.0%  100.0%
voltage                    25,500           87.6%
  = 63000                   8,141   31.9%   28.0%
  = 225000                  7,410   29.1%   25.5%
  = 400000                  5,878   23.1%   20.2%
  = 90000                   3,038   11.9%   10.4%
  = 20000                     294    1.2%    1.0%
operator                   24,089           82.8%
  = RTE                    22,852   94.9%   78.5%
  = Enedis                    355    1.5%    1.2%
cables                     16,572           57.0%
  = 3                      13,707   82.7%   47.1%
  = 6                       2,167   13.1%    7.4%
  = 1                         542    3.3%    1.9%
76 keys with 5,602 values

Same as above, but instead organized by most common tags:

gol query france -f=stats w[power=line] -f:tally=tags

Key          Value             29,098  /count
power      = *                 29,098  100.0%
power      = line              29,098  100.0%
voltage    = *                 25,500   87.6%
operator   = *                 24,089   82.8%
operator   = RTE               22,852   78.5%
cables     = *                 16,572   57.0%
cables     = 3                 13,707   47.1%
line       = *                 13,060   44.9%
line       = bay                8,912   30.6%
76 keys      5,602 pairs      133,424   4.6/1

(4.6/1 on the total line means that, on average, there are 4.6 tags per feature)

Permutations of Tag Values

Discover the most common types of restaurants in Berlin:

gol query germany -a=berlin.poly na[amenity=restaurant] 
  -f=stats -f:tally=count -t=cuisine 

-               994   23.3%
italian         731   17.1%
german          288    6.7%
vietnamese      258    6.0%
Total         4,269  100.0%

Count the various forms of opening_hours for restaurants, cafes and shops, sorted by tag values. Only include opening hours that are used at least 10 times.

gol query germany na[amenity=cafe,restaurant],na[shop]  
  -f=stats -f:tally=count -f:min-tally=10 -f:sort=tags

amenity           shop          opening_hours
cafe        -                   -                   15,960    2.9%
restaurant  -                   -                   57,931   10.7%
-                 bakery        -                   19,059    3.5%
-                 butcher       -                    7,332    1.4%
-                 supermarket   Mo-Sa 07:00-20:00    2,843    0.5%
-                 supermarket   Mo-Sa 08:00-20:00    2,804    0.5%
Total                                              541,833  100.0%

Length and Area

Calculate the total length (in kilometers) of all road-like features in France, broken out by highway type:

gol query world -a=france.poly w[highway] -f=stats -t=highway -f:tally=length -f:unit=km 

track            647,966 km   29.2%
unclassified     464,661 km   20.9%
tertiary         243,117 km   10.9%
residential      239,686 km   10.8%
Total          2,221,737 km  100.0%

Measure the areas of different types of land use (excluding forests and farmland):

gol query world a[landuse != forest,farmland] -f=stats -t=landuse -f:tally=area

residential   240,312,392 m2  
commercial     80,900,121 m2


Analyze how often certain roles appear in route relations:

gol query world r[route] -f=stats -t=route -f:tally=roles 

route           Role         Members in Relations
bus             (empty)    5,052,780 in    36,352   44.8%
hiking          (empty)    1,450,043 in    33,066   12.9%
bicycle         (empty)    1,166,304 in    19,062   10.3%
bus             stop         585,931 in    33,370    5.2%
bus             platform     574,225 in    31,602    5.1%
Total                     11,274,462 in   122,155  100.0%

Formatting Options


The maximum width (in characters) of the displayed table (used by stats and table). Default: 100


Omits rows in the report whose subtotal (number of features, length or area) is less than the specified number (or less than the specified percentage of the total). Default: 1%


Sorts rows alphabetically by key/value instead of tally.


Splits up values that contain semicolons and tallies the items individually. For example, cuisine=japanese;sushi;seafood would generate three separate tallies for the cuisine tag.


What the report should calculate:

areathe total area of all features in each group
countthe number of features in each group (default)
keysthe keys used by the selected features, as well as their most common values
lengththe total length of all features in each group
rolesthe roles of the relations in each group (total number of members for each role, and count of relations in which the role is used)
tagsthe tags used by the selected features


The length/area unit to use for -f:tally=length and -f:tally=area:

m(square) meters (default)
km(square) kilometers
ft(square) feet
yd(square) yards