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Install Python

You probably already have Python installed:

$ python -V
Python 3.11.5

If you don’t (or the version is lower than 3.7), download and install Python.

Install GeoDesk

$ pip install geodesk

Install the GeoDesk GOL Tool

Download the GOL Tool and uncompress the ZIP file in a folder of your choice. You’ll need Java: Any JRE will do, as long as it is version 16 or above (We recommend the Adoptium OpenJDK).

Create a GOL

Download OpenStreetMap Data

A Geographic Object Library (GOL) contains OpenStreetMap data in the format for GeoDesk. You can create a GOL from any .osm.pbf file. We recommend starting with a single-country or state-sized extract. These can be downloaded from various sites such as GeoFabrik or BBBike.

Run gol build

Once you have your .osm.pbf, you can create a GOL from it. For example:

$ gol build france france-latest.osm.pbf

On a reasonably modern machine, this should take a few minutes.

Ready to go!

Start the interactive Python shell:

$ python

First, we’ll import the GeoDesk module:

>>> from geodesk import *

Then we open the GOL (the .gol file extension is optional):

>>> france = Features("france")

france contains all the features in France: buildings, rivers and roads, parks and power lines, down to picnic benches and garbage bins.

For now, we’re just interested in museums:

>>> museums = france("na[tourism=museum]")

How many are there?

>>> museums.count

Wow, lots of culture and history in France!

Let’s focus on the ones in Paris. To do so, we need to get the city itself. OpenStreetMap data contains administrative areas. These form a hierarchy, from country (level 2) to individual neighborhoods (level 11). Level 8 is for cities:

>>> paris = france("a[boundary=administrative][admin_level=8][name=Paris]").one

Now we can get all museums in Paris:

>>> paris_museums = museums.within(paris)

Let’s put them on a map, which we’ll open in a browser:


Let’s show the opening hours in an overlay (a tool tip), and open the museum’s website when the user clicks on its marker. While we’re at it, let’s pick a marker color that’s a bit more artistique.

>>> map = Map()
>>> map.tooltip = "{name}<br>{opening_hours}"
>>> = "{website}"
>>> map.add(paris_museums, color="purple")

Et voila!

Go ahead and add restaurants. Or parks. Or metro stops.

>>> map.add("na[amenity=restaurant]", color="orange")
>>> map.add("a[leisure=park]", color="green")
>>> map.add("n[railway=station][station=subway]", color="red")

Of course, this is merely an amuse-bouche to whet your appetite. With a few lines of Python code, you can quickly dig through this vast and ever-growing goldmine of geospatial data.